My Experience With Remote Learning as a Science Teacher

My Experience With Remote Learning as a Science Teacher

The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not always reflect the views of Reverb.

Distance learning is not new. I have been doing it for 3 years, and fortunately was a bit ahead of the curve when the pandemic hit.

Blended learning especially, combining live, group meetings plus pre-recorded materials, has vastly improved outcomes for my science classes, relative to traditional classroom-style learning.

We spend too much time and money on brick and mortar schools that result in substandard public education. When done correctly, distance education is an important, and now often a mandatory component of education. This is an increasing trend that will surely continue after the pandemic.

With distance learning, families have more control over their education.

For example, I have a large group of young science enthusiasts from around the globe who would otherwise simply not have access to a Ph.D. chemical engineer teacher in their community. Plus, there are zero bullies in my online classroom.

The simple conclusion

For many learners, there is no longer a great reason for all students to be in the same place at the same time to be lectured the same thing.

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